19 September, 2007

Ahoy Matey!

mystery project, mystery project, mystery project. bachelorette party. mystery project, mystery project, mystery project...

Not much going on here, or maybe there is too much going on here. I am not sure. I haven't had much time for knitting, since I was hosting an all day and all night bachelorette party on Saturday. Thankfully everything went smoothly and we all had a blast. Thank god, cause I wouldn't want anyone disappointed in my mad party planning skillz. I took Sunday and Monday to recover and resumed knitting last night.

This weekend, I am touring The Yarn Market with my knitting club! Their distribution center is right outside of town and there are supposedly warehouses upon warehouses of yarn!! They also have some exclusive colourways that you cant get anywhere else. I am already exited and its only Wednesday. Hopefully ill pick up some yarn for a clapotis. I was thinking about making it a little lighter, and perhaps use Noro Silk Garden Light. Well we will just have to see what i come home with.

By the way, i wouldnt want anyone to forget, today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

1 comment:

Deborah Knight said...

Well, shiver me timbers! We're excited about having you visit with us on Saturday. We've got lots of Noro ready and waiting!
Best regards,