17 August, 2007


I finally found my digital camera charger so i can post some pictures. Yay. I desperately needed it before the party this weekend too. I am one more skein into my glee sweater. it doesn't look like much yet, and its hard to tell the fit until i start knitting in the round. It looks close enough though.

I also took some of my knitting books to kinkos for rebinding. Now not only do they lay all the way flat, i can flip the cover all the way around without cracking the spine. Quite exciting. I have decided i am going to take the rest of my books to have this done. And, the next time i am using rick Steves books i am going to have this done to them too. I am so tired of chapters falling out from over use. However, the kinkos girl estimated wrong, and my vintage knits got a little cut off. I think the patterns are still readable though. Still, i wasn't too pleased. The kinkos girl did refund all of my money for all the books though.

Well i am off for the weekend. The schedule is packed tight. Tomorrow is the black t-shirt party at the lake, and then Shannon's shower is on Sunday. Eve is going with me, it is not quite her scene (or mine for that matter), so it will be funny to see how she takes it. I didn't think about it until now but I have the complete and total opposite social groups in one weekend. Black t-shirt car junkies vs. Lily Pulitzer Dublin moms. If only they were all together and I just could watch. Oh well, I will leave that up to my imagination. Stories and pics to come when I return.


1 comment:

Knitterella said...

Your Glee Sweater looks like it's coming along nicely. I have yet to try a pattern from Zephyr. They have some great stuff!

Good idea on the re-binding!

Thanks for post about the lasik. That is the first bad story I heard. Who knows, I'll still probably chicken out!
