16 August, 2007

New Stuff

Last night i broke down and bought Fitted Knits. My mom and i were at knitting club and there was a new member, knitting a project from fitted knits. my mom saw the book and loved it, so i went to borders and picked it up for us to share. with my borders coupons, it only cost $11.09! that was pretty exciting. This new purchase brings my sweater to-do list to nine miles long. I think unlike most knitters, my stash includes more un-knitted patterns and books than yarn. I actually haven't bought any yarn for any of my new patterns.

I read on a website, I cant remember which one, that you should take your books to kinkos and have them spiral bound so they lay flat when you are working from them. The new girl at knitting club did this too! she is a genius. I am taking my new book and all of my rowan books to kinkos this afternoon. I am not sure how much it costs, but it is certainly better than a broken spine with pages falling out.

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